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Oily hair – how to properly care for it?

Rozwiązanie problemu przetłuszczających się włosów


Oily hair is a very common problem that affects not only teenagers, but also adults. However, you can learn to deal with it effectively by following a few essential tips. Read below how you should take care of your hair and scalp to keep it fresh.


There are multiple causes of oily hair. The most common include:

  • genetic factors,
  • chronic stress,
  • poor diet resulting in deficiencies of vitamins A, B2, C, E and B3,
  • hormonal disorders manifested by overproduction of androgens and progesterone,
  • improperly selected scalp care preparations.

The constant touching of the scalp and too frequent brushing of the hair during the day also have a significant impact on excessive oiliness. This is because the contact of the brush or comb with the scalp stimulates the sebaceous glands to increase the production of sebum, which is then spreaded throughout the hair, resulting in weighing it down.


  • Wash your hair as often as it needs it – if you feel that your hair needs daily cleansing, don't hesitate to do so. Limiting the frequency of scalp washing for fear of increased oiliness is a myth. A layer of sebum left on the skin for a long time will prevent oxygen from reaching the hair follicles, which can be responsible for the occurrence of dandruff or hair loss.
  • Use the properly selected hair care products – some intensely cleansing shampoos can cause the scalp to secrete more sebum to counteract dryness. So we recommend Shampoo Seboradin OILY HAIR, which contains not only cleansing substances and active ingredients that regulate the activity of sebaceous glands, but also moisturizing substances. An excellent complement to the hair and scalp care will be Ampoules Seboradin OILY HAIR, which are an effective solution for people struggling with both excessive hair oiliness and hair loss.
  • Remember to exfoliate the epidermis regularly – use a scalp scrub once a week to achieve the effect of deep cleansing and to keep the hair roots in good condition. Our brand has developed Seboradin Professional Scalp Scrub, that does not contain exfoliating particles and is very convenient to apply.

Ograniczenie przetłuszczania się włosów. Sprawdzone porady na przetłuszczanie się włosów.

  • Use lukewarm water – rinsing cosmetic products from the scalp with water at a slightly lower temperature will constrict the sebaceous glands' outlets and thus reduce sebum secretion.
  • Eliminate the main causes of oily hair – make sure your diet includes products rich in vitamins essential for the proper work of the sebaceous glands. Try to reduce combing and constant touching of hair strands. In case the problem persists, perform diagnostic tests for hormonal disorders.


Natural ways to deal with oily hair have been passed down from generation to generation. One of the most popular methods of natural medicine is an apple cider vinegar rinse. Its preparation is very simple – just add 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to 1 liter of cool water. Rinse your hair with such a mixture after washing it. If you are concerned with the problem of seborrhea and your hair needs strengthening, try Seboradin OILY HAIR series, which contains natural plant extracts, including black radish extract. Your hair will become cleansed, regenerated and soft to the touch.

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